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EZReader - Internet Radio Help


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The Internet Radio application can play radio stations from all over the world! It comes with a library of over 30,000 radio stations across the world which play every genre imaginable.

From the library of stations, users can bookmark their favorite stations and then display only the bookmarked stations. Stations can be deleted from both the bookmark list and from the library. The bookmark list can be cleared, but the library cannot be cleared.

The website of a selected station can be opened for viewing in the user's default browser.

Just for the fun of it, an optional graphical "pattern" can be displayed.

 Internet Radio Main Screen

The Internet Radio displays a list of internet radio stations. A library of 30K+ stations or a list of bookmarked radio stations may be displayed.

The list provide the station name, country of origin, URL and web site (scroll the list horizontally to see the various columns.

To play a station, select a station from the list and press Play. Double-clicking on a station will also play the station.

The Internet Radio application has 3 rows of toolbar commands:

Row 1 Commands:

The Search option pops up a dialog for entering a search term. Once the search term is typed, press Enter to display a list of all stations whose name/country/URL/website contains the search term. Searches are case insensitive.

Row 2 Commands:

The EZReader Editor can be used to manually enter new radio stations into the library. The file "stations_patrice.txt" contains station information.

Row 3 Commands:

Font changes affect how the station lists are displayed.

 Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are available within all EZReader applications by pressing F1 or right-clicking on the Exit button.

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